
Kindness letters by Safaa, Amira, Faida and Noura

Live the moment with the things you love, is a project created with the refugee community living in Glasgow to highlight the importance of kindness during lockdown.

Our volunteers – an established group of Syrian women living in Clydebank- decided to focus on the small acts of kindness which people show to themselves on a day to day basis, which promote wellbeing. They wrote letters initially in their first language, explaining how they show kindness to themselves as individuals, including hopes for how this can be continued post COVID-19. Storyteller Stephanie Morris then worked with the group and a translator to produce beautiful versions of the letters written in English.

The group met remotely via zoom, communicating in two different languages via webcams and an interpreter. Once both versions were complete, a graphic designer created beautiful images of both versions of their letters, sitting side by side.

The women all enjoyed the experience and the opportunity to reflect on what kindness means to them.

Safaa’s kindness letter

Amira’s kindness letter

Faida’s kindness letter

Noura’s kindness letter

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